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You could use this keywords similar to the CVS keywords between Dollar-Signes: $Keyword$, but you have to tell SVN specifically to update the keywords in your files.
I actualy have not found a working way to automate the replacement on commit.

You could do it for all keywords (space separated) and file by file with the following line:

svn propset svn:keywords "Date Author" weather.txt

This keyword describes the last time the file was known to have been changed in the repository, and looks something like $Date: 2002-07-22 21:42:37 -0700 (Mon, 22 Jul 2002) $. It may also be specified as LastChangedDate.

This keyword describes the last known revision in which this file changed in the repository, and looks something like $Revision: 144 $. It may also be specified as LastChangedRevision or Rev.

This keyword describes the last known user to change this file in the repository, and looks something like $Author: harry $. It may also be specified as LastChangedBy.

This keyword describes the full URL to the latest version of the file in the repository, and looks something like $HeadURL:
http://svn.collab.net/repos/trunk/README $. It may be abbreviated as URL.

This keyword is a compressed combination of the other keywords. Its substitution looks something like $Id: calc.c 148 2002-07-28 21:30:43Z sally $, and is interpreted to mean that the file calc.c was last changed in revision 148 on the evening of July 28, 2002 by the user sally.

Found on devx.com, allways worth a look.

Normally, you need a main method in a Java class if you want to run that class from the command line. However, there is a little trick that allows you to run one without a main method:

class NoMainMethod
System.out.println("Look ma! no main method");

The reason this works is that static initialization blocks get executed as soon as the class is loaded—even before the main method is called. As soon as the block exits, it will look for the main method. When it doesn't find it, it throws an exception—so the statement exits the program before the exception is thrown.

As Joe Winchester has written in his article Java Desktop: The Usability Paradox i have seen such problems too and no rescue in sight. The main problem is, upfront there is a lot of commitment to a renovation or new implementation of a system, by the management. But very fast, and for a 5 man year project 2 month is very fast, they tend to say, why isn't that ready right now, we pushed up the date, and want to go online in about 6 month. And if you say, no way we are on the workload limit. They either say, need more staff (which takes time to introduce to the project, and delay even more) or cut down functionallity. And than we have The Usability Paradox.
If the project goes online with this functionality the usage statistics do not attune with the prediction and the project will either be cancled or it would be forgotten about it, the staff disposed, and another unusable project is creeping around.

The first house I ever bought was built in 1936. It had style, it had character, and it had really narrow hallways and tight corners. The sofa we had bought - the one that went perfectly with all the style and character - wouldn't fit in the house. Apparently folks in 1936 had smaller furniture. Eventually I learned out how to take apart a window and was able to get the sofa into the house, but in the process, Pandora snuck out.

Behind the window frame was rot. I looked into some of the other windows and found rot and bugs. My initial reaction was that I'll just need to replace the windows, but (of course) it wasn't to be that easy. The windows, you see, had been built from scratch with the house. In fact, everything about the house was custom built. The parts of the house were all very tightly coupled with one another making replacement with componentized, functional equivalents too expensive. Though it had been well taken care of, the bottom line was that it was an old house and needed a lot of attention in order to maintain its primary function: being a living space. Ultimately we decided that the best alternative was to move into something newer that didn't need so much attention.

Many of my clients find that they're in a similar place with their software portfolio. As recently as ten years ago, they had to build systems infrastructure that wasn't then commercially available. They needed scalability, clustering, fault tolerance, high performance and integration to legacy systems and they needed to be able to add new business features at a break-neck pace. Design compromises were made, corners were cut, and the platform was not kept up-to-date. Though most have achieved great success, they now find their systems to be bloated, brittle, too highly coupled, and staggeringly expensive to maintain.

Most businesses don't have available the equivalent of buying a new house; they can't throw everything away and start from scratch. Instead, many are choosing the Herculean task of incremental renovation, of moving toward a service-oriented architecture in which their systems and their business process operate as an enterprise, not just a collection of departments. However as they turn over the rock of SOA, most are finding a dizzying array of new plumbing and buzzwords. The question is how to achieve the benefits of SOA without again becoming plumbers and in a way that is truly flexible. The answer is to focus on delivering custom business services in a standard way on a proven, commercial platform.
Thats the way James Fenner sees it. It's all most the same way i see it in projects where old software has to be webalized (not to mismatch with webalizer). Beside the two possibilities , modernizing the system and build the complete system from scratch, there is a way i respectively the companys i work for have done it, we build a system alongside the existing and include the old system over wrappers, and bit by bit we implement the wrapped functions in the new systems. Over the period of a year or two, depending on the size of the old system, it is completley renewed and the old system could be abandoned.

$Author$ Login name of the user who checked in the revision
$Date$ Date and time (UTC) the revision was checked in
$Header$ Standard header with full pathname of file in repository
$Id$ Standard header with filename of file in repository
$Locker$ Login name of the user who locked the revision
$Log$ Log message supplied on commit
$Name$ Tag name used to check out the file
$RCSfile$ Name of the file in repository (without path)
$Revision$ Revision number
$Source$ Full pathname of file in repository
$State$ State assigned to revision

Also ich finde diese Beschreibung triffts ziemlich genau.

A programmer is also very much like an architect, a composer, or a writer. They are creative people who start with ideas in their heads and blank pieces of paper. They conceive of an idea, form a mental outline, and refine it on paper until their writings reflect their mental image as much as possible. As they bring their ideas to paper, they employ basic drawing, writing, and instrumental skills to express certain style elements of a building, to describe a person's character, or to formulate portions of a melody. They can practice their trade because they have honed their basic skills for a long time and can use them on an instinctive level.

Programmers also form outlines, translate them into first designs, and iteratively refine them until they truly match the initial idea. Indeed, the best programmers edit and rewrite their programs many times until they meet certain aesthetic standards. And just like soccer players, architects, composers, or writers, programmers must practice the basic skills of their trade for a
long time before they can be truly creative.

In der Rangliste der aktuell meistgefundenen Computerschädlinge führt jetzt Fizzer. In der vergangenen Woche tauchten etwa 3 mal so viele Fizzer wie Klez.H-Würmer auf. Schutztips findest du hier:

An einigen tagen werden in verschiedenen themengebieten bücher zum thema java vorgestellt, die authoren geben zu den jeweiligen themen antworten und tips zu ihren büchern.

der kalender ist hier zu finden.

Hohes Virenaufkommen im ersten Quartal "nicht normal"
Schon zu Beginn des Jahres wurden vier neue Würmer entdeckt. Renommierte Anti-Viren-Hersteller erwarten auch weiterhin ein erhöhtes Aufkommen neuer Viren und Würmer und bezeichnen diese Häufung als "nicht normal".
Neue Schädlinge in diesem Jahr z.B. Livra.A, ExplorerZip.D, Livra.B oder der bereits berüchtigte Sobig.