An unsuspecting chicken named Amelia was harnassed to 100
helium balloons and sent aloft last Saturday in San Fran-
cisco by an anonymous pranster. Amelia wafted into a tangle
of power lines and was rescued by a police marksman, who
shot pellets at the balloons and brought her down. She was
taken to the nearby animal shelter to be adopted. Kat
Brown, deputy director of the shelter, remarked, "This is a
great chicken, a friendly chicken, a chicken that is ready
for a relationship." Apparently being sent flying through
the air makes a chicken ready for companionship.
helium balloons and sent aloft last Saturday in San Fran-
cisco by an anonymous pranster. Amelia wafted into a tangle
of power lines and was rescued by a police marksman, who
shot pellets at the balloons and brought her down. She was
taken to the nearby animal shelter to be adopted. Kat
Brown, deputy director of the shelter, remarked, "This is a
great chicken, a friendly chicken, a chicken that is ready
for a relationship." Apparently being sent flying through
the air makes a chicken ready for companionship.