Ich weiß es paßt hier nicht ganz her.
SAN FRANCISCO - Some prostitutes are tired of continually being
negatively portrayed in movies. So, several have decided to
get off their backs and on their feet to create a film festival
of their own. The 3rd San Francisco Sex Worker Film and Video
Festival takes place May 23-26 and features close to 50 films
that are either about the sex industry or made by prostitutes
themselves. One example includes a documentary about trans-
gendered immigrant prostitutes in Italy. Another serves as an
educational tool about the proper techniques for vulva massage.
Though the festival's organizer admits much of the sex worker
cinema is highly arousing, she stands by her claim that the
festival's real mission is to bring light to the connection
between prostitution and the arts.
SAN FRANCISCO - Some prostitutes are tired of continually being
negatively portrayed in movies. So, several have decided to
get off their backs and on their feet to create a film festival
of their own. The 3rd San Francisco Sex Worker Film and Video
Festival takes place May 23-26 and features close to 50 films
that are either about the sex industry or made by prostitutes
themselves. One example includes a documentary about trans-
gendered immigrant prostitutes in Italy. Another serves as an
educational tool about the proper techniques for vulva massage.
Though the festival's organizer admits much of the sex worker
cinema is highly arousing, she stands by her claim that the
festival's real mission is to bring light to the connection
between prostitution and the arts.