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Microsoft has unveiled its newest innovation: the iLoo. The self-contained port-a-potty includes a waterproof keyboard and screen so that a seated ...um... user can get on the Internet.
Possible add-ons include a keyboard and screen outside the door, so
the first person in the queue will have something to do while waiting. The company also says it is also in talks with toilet-paper manufacturers to get special rolls printed with addresses of interesting web sites.
"The Internet's so much a part of everyday life now that surfing on
the loo was the next natural step," said marketing manager Tracy Blacher.
"It's exciting to think that the smallest room can now be the gateway to the massive virtual world." (Seattle Post-Intelligencer)
...Suggested slogan: "When you think of crap, think Microsoft."

gefunden auf http://www.thisistrue.com/

Ich weiß es paßt hier nicht ganz her.
SAN FRANCISCO - Some prostitutes are tired of continually being
negatively portrayed in movies. So, several have decided to
get off their backs and on their feet to create a film festival
of their own. The 3rd San Francisco Sex Worker Film and Video
Festival takes place May 23-26 and features close to 50 films
that are either about the sex industry or made by prostitutes
themselves. One example includes a documentary about trans-
gendered immigrant prostitutes in Italy. Another serves as an
educational tool about the proper techniques for vulva massage.
Though the festival's organizer admits much of the sex worker
cinema is highly arousing, she stands by her claim that the
festival's real mission is to bring light to the connection
between prostitution and the arts.

LONDON - For those of you who think that the majority of
Britons are prudish and conservative, a recent survey might
have you thinking again. The study showed that two-thirds of
English residents have had sex in a car. The website
safeoutdoorsex.com polled 1,500 people and found that most
Britons are quite uninhibited when it comes to fooling around.
The study also showed that 94 percent of respondents thought
outdoor sex was a good way to maintain an exciting relation-
ship. Almost half of those surveyed admitted to have done the
wild thing in a random field. This survey gives a whole new
meaning to the term 'field study.'

This is an actual collection from medical interview records
written by various paramedics, emergency room receptionists,
and (we are afraid) a doctor or two at major hospitals...

She stated that she had been constipated for most of her life
until 1989 when she got a divorce.

The patient was in his usual state of good health until his
airplane ran out of gas and crashed.

Bleeding started in the rectal area and continued all the way
to Los Angeles.

Both breasts are equal and reactive to light and accommodation.

Exam of genitalia reveals that he is circus sized.

Exam of genitalia was completely negative except for the
right foot.

The lab test indicated abnormal lover function.

The patient was to have a bowel resection. However he took
a job as a stockbroker instead.

In der Rangliste der aktuell meistgefundenen Computerschädlinge führt jetzt Fizzer. In der vergangenen Woche tauchten etwa 3 mal so viele Fizzer wie Klez.H-Würmer auf. Schutztips findest du hier:

wennn ich die haben will brauch ich nicht mal mehr nach mallorca fliegen, es braucht darussen nur um die 25-28° haben und das 33. wiener derby zwischen rapid und austria sein, und ich muß nur noch das küchenfenster öffnen und ich bin mitten drinnen. den vor meinem küchenfenster gibt es 2 lokale, ein chinese, und ein typisches wiener gemeindebau cafe. und das publikum ist auch dementsprechend, mit nacktem oberkörper, transistorradio und reichlich bier nachschub garantiert. Gestern war es richtig harmlos weil es nur ein unentschieden gab, aber wenn einer gewinnt gibt es stunden lange (bis 22Uhr) sieges gesänge.

Fr, 08.03.2019, 09:39