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EDMONTON, Alberta, Canada - As are the one million others of his kind, Leo McGrath is proud to be an Old Bastard. The 67-year-old man from Edmonton is a member of the International Order of Old Bastards, a social club comprised of men between the ages of 50 and 84. More than just a group of old farts that sit around guzzling beer and swapping old war stories, the non-profit organization has helped out the needy by raising more than $60,000 for registered charities in the past four years. What started as a small group in Australia back in 1945, when the phrase "old bastard" was used as a term of endearment, has spread across the world, surpassing
one million members and more than 4,300 chapters. So, the next time someone calls you an old bastard, take it as a compliment. Or just kick them in the junk.

INDIA - Scams always tend to work out great until you get
caught. An Indian man found this out the hard way after he
was arrested for fraudulent spiritual therapy. Kuchamardhana
Swamy, alias Gottimukkala Babu Rao, ran a so-called blessing
ritual that would aid childless women in getting pregnant by
massaging their breasts. Hundreds of women had been visiting
him two days per week to have their bosoms rubbed by the man
who claimed he had the blessings of Hindu god Lord Shiva to
'treat' the women. Ironically enough, the former teacher turned into a swami when his wife left him because the couple
could not have children.

SAN DIMAS, Calif. - If you thought that Bill and Ted were the weirdest things to come out of San Dimas, California, think again. During a festival in the city located 30 miles east of downtown Los Angeles, Bert The Camel was sworn-in as an official Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputy. The 1,700-pound, six-year-old camel got his sheriff's ID card and is now a member of the Sheriff's Posse. Bert's job is not to fight crime, but to visit area schools as part of a presentation on California history. He joins other members of the sheriff's four-footed force that includes dogs and horses as
well. Finally a camel that doesn't cause cancer will have an
influence on the youngsters.

GERMISTON, S. Africa - College students have their own ways
of dealing with the stresses that accompany hours of studying and late-night cramming. Some will head out for a cigarette break or take a nap, or watch some television to take their mind off class material. Others, specifically in South Africa, will head on over to the local brothel for a quick fling with a prostitute. The local City Press witnessed a large group of students flocking to a local hotel, with books in hand, as early as 1 p.m. Sympathizing with students'
lack of funds, many prostitutes are cutting their prices by almost 75 percent for students. The generosity of these women is allowing male test-takers to free more than just their minds before exams.

CHICAGO, IL. - Some expecting moms and dads choose to attend
Lamaze classes to help during the process of childbirth. It
seems that Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich and wife Patti found
a method that some classes might want to consider teaching as
a way to speed along the delivery: Mexican Food. Already ten
days overdue, the couple went out for dinner Friday night and
at 5 a.m. Saturday became the proud parents of a baby girl.
Six years ago, the Blagojevichs had eaten at a Mexican rest-
aurant just before their first daughter was born. This time,
though, the couple had to leave the restaurant before they
finished eating. The parents decided to name their daughter
Anne, as opposed to possible alternatives like "Bean" or

If you stack one million US$1 bills, it would be 110m (361
ft) high and weight exactly 1 ton.

TIP is the acronym for "To Insure Promptness."

Of the more than $50 billion worth of diet products sold
every year, almost $20 billion are spent on imitation fats
and sugar substitutes.

Money notes are not made from paper, it is made mostly from
a special blend of cotton and linen.

The first credit card was issued by American Express in 1951.

The average age of Forbes's 400 wealthiest individuals is 63.

In 1955 the richest woman in the world was Mrs. Hetty Green
Wilks, who left an estate of $95 million in a will that was
found in a tin box with four pieces of soap.

80% of millionaires drive second-hand cars.

If California was a country, it would be the 5th largest
economy in the world.

A third of the world's people live on less than $2 a day,
with 1.2 billion people living on less than $1 a day.

scheinbar schlägt die erziehung bei unseren werbetreibenden stärker durch als man denkt. zum beispiel gestern eine, ich glaube, vileda wischmop werbung, eine frau wischt ihren küchenboden in kürzerster zeit glänzend sauber, nimmt dann die schürze ab und legt sie mit samt dem wischmop beiseite, darunter trägt sie ein abendkleid. dann verlässt sie die küche und "stürzt" sich ins partygetümmel. dazu wird ein text gesprochen der den eindruck noch verstärkt das nur die frau das recht zum wischmopschwingen bzw. putzen hat, und "er" (das männliche geschlecht) könnte einstweilen feiern. irgend wie stimmt mich das nach denklich in dieser sogenannten emanzipierten zeit.

Fr, 08.03.2019, 09:39